
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2023


  Treatments  There are different treatments for different ailments, whether pain, disease or any other type of ailment, among the most common treatments to deal with different ailments, we can find: Pharmacological Treatments: Antibiotics: Used to fight bacterial infections, antibiotics can kill the disease-causing bacteria and speed recovery. Analgesics: They help to relieve pain, improving the quality of life and allowing people to carry out their daily activities. Physical Therapies: Physical Therapy: Through specific exercises and techniques, physical therapy can improve mobility, reduce pain, and promote recovery from musculoskeletal injuries. Occupational Therapy: Helps people recover and improve their abilities to perform daily activities, especially after an injury or illness that affects their functionality. Psychological therapies: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Effective in treating anxiety disorders, depression, and other emotional problems, by helping people identify ne

Modal Verbs

  Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs. This means that they do not conjugate with the grammatical persons, that is: - They do not have an infinitive, for example, there is no to can. - They do not have a gerund, for example, there is no mighting. - They have no participle. for example, there is no such thing as will. A modal verb can express ability, need, condition, or modality. Example: Sentences -   She  can  speak several languages. -   She  could  be in the restroom. -   May  I enter?   -   It  might  snow. -   Should  we continue?  -   Passengers  must  fill in this form before boarding. -   Will  you help me with this?   -   Would  you send me the files, please? -   Shall  we eat out?  

Health Matters

  If you experience a dental emergency you should follow these steps - Call your dentist or make an appointment at your hospital - Talk about the seriousness of the matter and how it was caused - Discuss possible treatments - Reach a conclusion to treat the emergency 

Past Perfect

  The "past perfect" refers to a time before the recent past. It is used to indicate that an event occurred before another in the past. It does not matter which of the events is mentioned first, because the tense makes clear the temporal order in which they occurred. Structure Affirmative: Subject + had + past participle + object Negative: Subject + had not + verb in past participle + object Interrogative: Had +  sibject + verb in past particular + object? Example:  Affirmative. -   When we got to the movie theater ,  the movie started   -  When my friend arrived at the concert, it  had  already  begun . -  The children  had been  missing for three days before they were found. Negative  -  I  hadn’t noticed  the mistake. -  We  had not finished  eating when they left. -  Mary  hadn’t tried  sushi before. Interrogative -  What cities  had  you  visited  before? -  Had  you  heard  the news? -  Had  you  made  a promise before?

Tag Questions

TAG QUESTIONS Tag questions are short questions added to the end of a statement to verify or confirm information and seek approval or agreement from the listener. These questions help keep the conversation going and establish a connection between the speaker and the listener. Basically this makes the conversations more interactive. Structure: Affirmative sentences:  Affirmative sentence + negative auxiliary + subject pronoun? Negative sentences :   Negative  sentence + negative auxiliary +  subject pronoun? Example: Affirmative:    -  Your brother is older than you, isn´t he? -  You can help me, can´t you? -  Sarha likes ice cream, doesn´t she? Negative: -  You´re not from here, are you? -  Peter never liked Susan, did he? -  You can´t dance, can you?.